
Find the Best Gifts for Dogs Here and Pamper Loyal Furry Friends

Dogs are loyal, lovable creatures that want to please their owners and bring them joy. With all the love and companionship they give their owners, why not give them something in return. Check out these suggestions for dog owners looking for the best gifts for dogs for birthdays, holidays, or just because.

Activity Toys

These toys make great gifts for dogs and provide hours of entertainment. They're interactive and durable, so even the biggest dogs won't destroy the toy in a matter of minutes. Activity toys include flip boards, wobble balls, and containers that include treats that reward the dog.

Squeaky Toys

Yes, squeaky toys might annoy owners, but dogs love them. The squeaker awakens the dog's primal urge to hunt and kill. So, even though one might have a sweet pup that in no way resembles his wolf ancestors, when they squeak that toy they're on the hunt and they love it.

Consider the Dog's Size

Smaller dogs need toys that fit their paws and their mouth. While it might be cute watching a teeny dog pull a large toy behind them, they're probably struggling to play with the toy. Likewise, big dogs need larger toys that aren't choking hazards and that they won't tear up within minutes.

Monthly Subscription Boxes

Dog owners who aren't sure what toys to get their dogs should consider monthly subscription boxes. These boxes are curated based on breed, size, and previous preferences. For more information about subscription boxes, check out Pooch Perks online at